April 26, 2012

Easter Fun

Easter is always a lot of fun! With the real meaning in all of our thoughts, we like to relax and enjoy each other on this special day. The boys are getting older, but we still like to hunt eggs--and of course, there's the egg toss!

Cute cousins--13, 12, 11
I truly relish these moments and appreciate them being all together. They've grown up together, that's for sure. Time seems to be flying by, but I try to slow down and be in the moment, knowing that this season of all of ours lives together is very special.

Mumaw always makes the most creative and delicious food. Love the chick egg!

The boys had fun trying to roll each other around in this huge tire in the field. Too heavy, no chance.

Egg toss time! Who's going to take it this year?

Sarah and I almost took it.....

Paul and Cameron--the winners! They were very humble about it.

Boys goofing off...

Money always makes the hunting worth it--especially when you're 13!

Caden's lip is still healing from getting it busted by a baseball--poor baby!

Easter wouldn't be complete without a little practice for the upcoming anual archery tournament.

Nice form Sarah!

How cute is Davy! He looks good doing anything!

OK--cut to my MIL's house! Ella asked for a head start--I don't blame her!

Smile Abby!

The most important part for the older kids--sorting out the money--EVENLY!

Here are a few pictures of Cam and Jake having some Easter fun at the Moody's!

Cam, Peyton, Dylan, Blake, and Jake

My birthday was a few days later and some of my students and my friend Ms. Davis made me this cute cat card. They sure do know me! They even found a picture of some hairless cats--love it!

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